
New Recycle calendars are available at our office if you did not receive one.
All recycling can be mixed together in one large cart and will be picked up on the same day as your garbage, only every other week. The city of New Prague is on the blue week. You can click here to help find the day of your recycling pickup or like us on facebook for weekly reminders.

Single Sort Recycling Rules:

Place all items together in your cart (not bagged but loosely in cart):

Accepted recycling

• Fibers
• Brown grocery bags, Beer and Soda cases, Cake and Snack boxes, Cardboard(non waxed), Catalogs, Cereal boxes, Magazines, Junk Mail, Newspaper, Soft cover books, Clean pizza boxes,
• Berry containers, Juice containers, Milk jugs, Plastic containers#1 & #2 screw top, Water bottles, Yogurt tubs, Butter tubs, ect.
• Metal & Glass
• Aluminum Cans, Steel food cans, Beer Bottles, Glass Containers that contained food or beverage, All colored Glass(brown, Green, and clear)

Not accepted

Auto Glass, Ceramics, Christmas lights, Clothes, Coat hangers, Diapers, Dishware, Drinking Glasses, Extension cords, Food waste, Garden hoses, Glass bakeware/ cookware, Hazardous chemical containers, Light bulbs, Microwave trays, Mirror glass, Motor oil, Needles, Packing peanuts, Paper products with food residue, Plastic bags and film, Plastic tarps, Plastic food wraps, Porcelain, Styrofoam, Syringes, Waxed cardboard and paper, Window glass, Scrap Steel/metal, wood, brooms, any type of electronic, Yard waste.
No foam cups/ plastic bags/ ceramic containers

Roll the cart to the end of your driveway every other week on your service day.

Make sure to keep 3 feet from garbage cart, mailboxes, etc. if possible. If you have room to do so put it on the opposite side of driveway from garbage.

Face the lid opening toward the street and handle toward the house.

Large amounts of cardboard can be dropped off with no charge anytime at 409 2nd ST NW in New Prague for recycling of cardboard only. There are three large containers in the parking lot and they are labeled cardboard only. Also there is a cardboard container @ our office.Drive in the truck entrance and on your right side of driveway you will see a container that says cardboard on it @27252 Helena Blvd. New Prague Mn.

Recycling of Appliances/Tires/Electronics
We also pick up these items curbside for recycling, there is a fee so you will have to call for a price and make arrangements for pickup.

Residential & Commercial Recycling Collection & Disposal services from Lakers New Prague Sanitary.